
How did I get here?

Curiosity, passion and an unwavering belief that I can make a difference in peoples lives. ..but that's the short version...

The days of a career for life with a gold watch at the end are often not a reality for many. It's also not my reality.
Hi, I'm Laura Blackburn. After an eventful academic career at sixth form - in which I found many things to do other than study - I found myself on a meandering path through the job market. Turning down a place to study Archaeology and Anthropology, I worked as a filing clerk, waitress, canteen assistant, behind a bar and in catering. After eventually settling on the decision that my future was to pursue a career in healthcare I took distance learning courses to fulfil the further A-levels required. You would imagine that this is the point I began my career in medicine, but not quite yet!
After a chance conversation with a friend (and not an insignificant amount of persuasion on their part - you know who you are...) I decided to apply to train as an Operating Department Practitioner. It was exciting, to be part of a team, working towards a valuable common goal, the never-ending opportunity to learn. It was here I started asking myself the question, 'What if...?'

'What would happen if I took a bright, shiny and exciting step? Accepted the risk of not succeeding? Committed to trying something where I couldn't be sure of the outcome? What if I could access the clarity, confidence and conviction I needed to believe in myself?'

This belief was the motivation that kept me going through studying full-time at college, working part-time for the NHS and living out of the boot of my car for the year. In 2005, having reached the grand old age of 25, I found myself classed as a mature student. I also found myself stood shoulder to shoulder with other medical students, bubbling with excitement and anxiety as we embarked upon our journey to become doctors.

Since 2011, I have worked as a doctor both full-time and part-time. I've returned from career breaks following the birth of my 2 children. Sat my membership exams, attended courses, gained further qualifications in education, and spent time training in gastroenterology.

Throughout all remained a thread of 'What if?'

I have developed a passion for supporting others  and  helping them to acheive not only their potential, but beyond; a curiousity for learning, and helping others learn - to see those moments of pride and realisation as concepts and ideas find a space to grow. Planting seeds; not filling vessels.

Over the last 2 years I've been incredibly fortunate to work as a Coaching and Mentoring Fellow in the East of England to promote coach-mentoring schemes for doctors in training, support doctors around the region and in setting up their own schemes. I've supported the British Society of Gastroenterology in launching their national Mentoring scheme and have also worked with them on their Supporting Women in Gastroenterology: Achieving your potential conference. In the East of England the team have made strides towards a better experience for those taking a break from medicine with our Return to Clinical Practice programme and mentoring.

I've restructured my life, shaped it around my interests and values. I now share my time between practicing as a coach, working in  undergraduate and postgraduate education, and training in Occupational Medicine. What I've created for myself isn't always perfect...but it's dymanic, truly varied, challenging, satisfying and flexible. The direction is mine and I have control. I've worked with many fantastic teams and inspirational people from all over the world; within the NHS and in the private sector. It's their support and also that of my family that has led me to this point.

I don't have all the answers, and I don't need them. You're the expert in your own life. You have all the answers you need inside of you...but what I can do is help you find them. Perhaps the question isn't 'how did I get here?'... but rather, 'how was the journey?'

Still unsure? Why not make a cup of tea, have a look at the website, and ask yourself, 'Is it time to begin my journey?'

We're working on the teleporter...

...but in the meantime I'd thought you'd like to know where I'm based.

If you live outside of the face-to-face catchment area, but would rather have coaching in person than on Skype then please give me a call to discuss your options.

Getting my message out there, and making my services as accessible as possible is really important to me. Why not contact me by e-mail, or schedule a phone call so we can discuss how we can work together to bring you the coaching, workshops and consultancy that you need.

Map of East of England.

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